I bought myself an early christmas / birthday / anniversary present from the Modernica factory sale! Just look at this wonderful work of art. Oh yes, it's the Eames RAR, rocker arm chair, baby! The Modernica staff were all sweet, helpful and efficient. Everyone was having a grand ol time shopping and marveling the classics. There were some deep discounts, but still pretty steep for frugal, little me.

I've dreamt of a yellow rocker for ages and when I saw that there were only four left(mind you, it was only 10am), I grabbed it under my wings and went home with it. Plus, I needed something to cover me as I walked back to my car in the pouring rain. What a stylish umbrella for only $250! Now, it's resting peacefully in my living room. Beatrice loves it. My heartmate loves it. I, especially love it! And I'm sure you'll love it too.

I took a few photos of the festive, Modernica madhouse which I'll show as soon as I develop them sometime this week. That's all, rock out!