I recently picked up this book, Drawing Autism from the thrifts. I don't know how I let this slip through the crannies because it's a beautiful book. Nothing melts my heart faster than seeing amazing, AMAZING talent.
Drawing Autism celebrates the artistry and self-expression found in the drawings, paintings and collages created by individuals diagnosed with autism. The work of over 50 international contributors exhibits unique perspectives on how these individuals see the world and their places in it.
Author Jill Mullin, a behavior analyst and educator, has assembled a staggering array of work from established artists like Gregory Blackstock, Jessica Park and Ping Lian Yeak to the unknown but no less talented. Their creations, coupled with artist interviews, comprise a fascinating and compelling book that makes visual how autism manifests differently in every diagnosis.
Which reminds me, I applied for a job a year ago, as a printmaking instructor for special kids. Sadly, I didn't get it, but I really wanted it bad, because I know how much creativity these kids have bottled up inside. Just take a look at the cover art by Zoe Kakolyris—so awe-inspiring! I recommend this book to everyone. Gift it this Christmas. You can buy a copy through Amazon
or from here and a portion of the proceeds will go to somewhere good.