I love when I get to work from home. I can take small breaks to play with Beatrice and even fudge around with furniture and tchotchkes like this white desk I just found. I was on my way to my mom's and out of the corner of my eye, I saw it sitting on the side of a road, so I busted a U, popped open the trunk and threw it in. It's not the greatest looking piece, a little on the janky side, but it gets the job done. It's temporarily jibing with the books and the tv in the our media room, also our dining area. We're those kind of squirrels who eat with the tv on. I gotta get my doses of Modern Family, it's my happy pill! And I can't wait for Mad Men to return.
Alright, have a fantastic weekend and don't work too hard, my vintage vultures.
+ My sweet coasters are by Satsuki Shibuya.
+ Breakfast at Little Dom's
+ PCC Flea Market
+ Want this for a camera bag.
+ Nice design blog, Jake