Last night, I started playing a couple Christmas tunes. Too early? Maybe. I was just imagining fall and winter in New York and thinking about what I should pack with me and at the same time, doing some online retail therapy at Totokaelo Man. And the next thing I knew, I was playing Sufjan Steven's Christmas album on spotify. Summer's officially oh-vuh! Gosh, that flew by didn't it? I'm trying to catch up, so here are some fleeting moments from August. This summer was all about rooftop / patio parties and bbqs with babies and couples, which only fueled my furious pursuit to find my next freaking heartmate. To be honest, that's essentially why I'm moving to New York. THAT, and also to save money. Which is unheard of for both, am I right?! I'm gonna defy New York odds. I am doing whatever it takes!